This webinar based series is designed to help you set up your small business with the documentation and guidance to manage most basic human resources issues. The series includes template documents, HR essentials guide and a live series to explain the documents and how to tailor them to your own small business needs.
Documents Received:
Template offer letter and employment agreement
Template HR policies
Template performance improvement plan and workplace investigation documentation
Template notice of employment termination and release
HR Essentials Guide
Value: have a complete set of lawyer-prepared essential HR documents, guidance on how to tailor the documents for your own business, lessons on managing key HR legal issues and a reference workbook to help you manage all your HR needs going forward.
*Sessions are provided live but recorded sessions will be available after recording in case you miss a session or want to refer back to information provided.
Cost: $1000+HST (value of lawyer-prepared legal documents on their own is $3500)
Who should participate:
This series is directed at small businesses with common HR needs. Whether an office environment, retail, manufacturing or services based environment, the series will provide you with tools you can tailor for your circumstances. This series is not designed to deal with complex companies which are developing proprietary technology or which have other complex needs, although some content will be equally relevant for that context.
The individual primarily responsible for management of human resources at your company should attend - whether that is an owner/ manager, designated HR professional or individual team managers.
What will the sessions cover:
Week 1: October 5 Hiring & Employment Agreement + compensation policies: Participants will receive a template offer letter and employment agreement, with options provided on how to customize the documents for your business. Session will address the legal aspects of the hiring and onboarding process. A workbook is included which addresses employment law basics, the hiring process and employment contracts.
Week 2: October 12 Basic HR Policies (including Workplace Violence & Harassment): Participants will receive a basic template employment policy. Session will address some of the considerations for tailoring the polices for a particular workplace and which policies are legally required. Workbook content will address workplace policies and enforcement.
Week 3: October 19 Workplace HR Management, Discipline and Workplace Issues: This session will cover the ongoing management of humans in the workplace and the legal issues which can arise. Template Performance Improvement Plan and Workplace Investigation templates will be included. Workbook content will cover common issues which arise and how to manage them.
Week 4: October 26 Terminating the Employment Relationship: This session will cover ending the employment relationship and the legal considerations. Template termination of employment letter will be included. Workbook content will address the process for terminating the employment relationship and some common issues which arise.
The goal from these sessions is to set up a small business to handle the range of most common employment related interactions - allowing your business to grow and thrive with confidence.
Monday Oct 4, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Each Tuesday in October:
Week 1: October 5 Hiring & Employment Agreement + compensation policies: Participants will receive a template offer letter and employment agreement, with options provided on how to customize the documents for your business. Session will address the legal aspects of the hiring and onboarding process. A workbook is included which addresses employment law basics, the hiring process and employment contracts.
Week 2: October 12 Basic HR Policies (including Workplace Violence & Harassment): Participants will receive a basic template employment policy. Session will address some of the considerations for tailoring the polices for a particular workplace and which policies are legally required. Workbook content will address workplace policies and enforcement.
Week 3: October 19 Workplace HR Management, Discipline and Workplace Issues: This session will cover the ongoing management of humans in the workplace and the legal issues which can arise. Template Performance Improvement Plan and Workplace Investigation templates will be included. Workbook content will cover common issues which arise and how to manage them.
Week 4: October 26 Terminating the Employment Relationship: This session will cover ending the employment relationship and the legal considerations. Template termination of employment letter will be included. Workbook content will address the process for terminating the employment relationship and some common issues which arise.
Online webinar.
$1000+HST (early bird discount 15% using Earlybird15 until 11:59 on Friday, September 44
Momentum Business Law
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