Accessing Capital with BDC, EDC & RBC
How do businesses access capital in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? Get your questions about accessing capital answered by a panel of experts representing Export Development Canada (EDC), Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).
Carrie Batt, Vice President, Business Markets – Ontario North and East - Royal Bank of Canada
Carrie Batt joined RBC in Winnipeg in 1988. For the duration of her career, she has specialized in working with entrepreneurs.
Her roles include a number of Account Manager positions dealing with Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in a variety of industries including three years specializing in Knowledge Based Industries.
She has had the opportunity to lead two different Commercial Banking teams. The first at the Moose Jaw Business and Agricultural Banking Centre and the second at the Kingston Quinte Commercial Financial Services Centre.
While in Winnipeg, she was the RBC Women’s Entrepreneur Champion for Manitoba and held the position of Manager, Business Products and Services in the Manitoba Saskatchewan Regional Office.
Volunteer positions have included Board Member of Unicef Manitoba, the Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce and the Moose Jaw YMCA, as well as Past Chair of the Board and Past Chair of the Campaign Cabinet for the United Way Serving Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington. For many years she was an active member of the Quinte Business Achievement Awards organizing committee.
In her current role she has regional responsibility for our team of Business Account Managers across Ontario North and East.
She is also a member of Animakee Wa Zhing First Nation and a member of Royal Eagles, RBC’s Employee Resource Group for Aboriginal employees. She currently chairs RBC’s Ontario North and East Diversity & Inclusion Council.
Jeff Keats, District Manager - Export Development Canada
Jeff Keats is a District Manager for Export Development Canada (“EDC”) for the Ontario market. With 14 years of experience at EDC, Jeff currently leads a team of talented and dynamic EDC Account Managers that are helping Canadian companies go, grow, and succeed internationally. Our immediate focus at EDC is to assist Canadian companies in accessing liquidity and capital.
Mary Ann Wenzler-Wiebe, Vice President, Financing & Consulting, Business Development Bank of Canada
Mary Ann looks after the GTA West Area of the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). In this role, she leads a team of professionals dedicated to serving Canadian businesses through financing, venture capital and advisory services with a focus on small and medium sized enterprises. In addition, she is the Regional Sponsor for Ontario Women Entrepreneurs. She currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Mississauga Board of Trade and One Spark Foundation Board.
Before joining BDC, she spent a number of years working in commercial banking in the Windsor area. Mary Ann is a former director of St. Joe’s Hospital Foundation in London and Board of Governors for Grand River Hospital Foundation. She has sat on various committees supporting entrepreneurship and automotive growth in Ontario & Canada.
Tuesday May 5, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Lynn Ladd
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