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What is Financial Literacy and why is it so important?
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and apply various financial skills such as personal budgeting, investing and personal financial management.
We will discuss and give tips to help you make informed financial decisions, develop sound financial habits and manage money more effectively.
We will discuss questions such as:
How can I improve my credit score?
What are some practical tips?
How can I improve my financial literacy?
If you’re ready to take charge of your personal finances, then you’ve come to the right place.
Did you know that nearly 6 out of 10 Canadian adults (59.6 per cent) do not have a good idea of how much money they need to save in order to maintain their desired standard of living in retirement. Almost half of Canadians (46 per cent) have a budget – and the majority of those with a budget (93 per cent) always or almost always stay within it. Greater financial knowledge leads to longer-term financial planning in the pre-retirement years. Retirees’ level of financial knowledge is positively related to having an RRSP, and knowing how much money is needed for retirement. People who have higher levels of financial confidence tend to have better outcomes associated with day-to-day money and debt management than those with low levels of confidence.
Pamela George, CEO, Financial Literacy, Sand Dollar
Pamela George is a financial powerhouse, but it wasn’t always that way.
Born into poverty and raised by an illiterate mother Pamela George, a first-generation Canadian, now counsels numerous influential Canadian women, about the power of financial literacy.
Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Pamela spent the first 25 years of her life struggling and living in poverty.
Her mother couldn’t read or write but was very good with money. Still, though, she made some terrible money mistakes that ripped the family apart and caused her and her two youngest children, one of whom included Pamela, to be homeless for many years. The effects of which are still being felt four generations later.
Pamela believes that if her mother fully understood how money worked, educated herself on how to manage it, and healed from her money trauma, those mistakes could have been avoided.
You can understand why – at a very young age – Pamela promised herself to not follow the same fate as her mother. She was able to break the cycle of poverty, heal from her childhood money trauma, and today, stands proud as a financially empowered woman!
Now, Pamela teaches women how to be Financially Empowered through her signature framework: The 7 Pillars of Money Management.
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST